LiteCommands Help

@Arg Optional<T> (Optional way)

The @Arg Optional<T> is applied to parameters within a command method that represent optional arguments.

When an optional argument is not provided, the parameter will be set to Optional.empty() by default.


Here is an example of how to use the @Arg Optional<T>:

@Command(name = "day") public class DayCommand { @Execute void day(@Context Player sender, @Arg Optional<World> world) { World world = world.orElse(sender.getWorld()); world.setTime(1000); } }
  • @Arg Player target represents a required argument for a player.

  • @Arg Optional<World> world represents an optional argument for a world. If the user provides a world, it will be captured in the world parameter. If not provided, world will be Optional.empty() by default.

Last modified: 13 December 2023