LiteCommands Help

@Join Argument

The @Join annotation in the LiteCommands framework is used to concatenate multiple arguments into a single string. This annotation is particularly useful when you want to combine several input parameters into a cohesive text representation, such as creating a reason for a ban command.


Here is an example of how to use the @Join annotation:

@Command(name = "ban") public class BanCommand { @Execute public void ban( @Arg Player target, @Join String reason ) { // Command implementation } }

Let's consider the following command usage:

input: /ban JohnDoe Offensive language and behavior reason: Offensive language and behavior

Additional Options

Sometimes you may want to limit the number of arguments that will be joined.

@Join(limit = 2)

Or you may want to join arguments with a different separator.

@Join(separator = ", ")

Or both:

@Command(name = "ban") public class BanCommand { @Execute public void ban( @Arg Player target, @Join(limit = 10, separator = "-") String reason ) { // Command implementation } }

Let's consider the following command usage:

/ban JohnDoe Offensive language and behavior reason: Offensive-language-and-behavior
Last modified: 13 December 2023