LiteCommands Help

@Flag Argument

The @Flag annotation in the LiteCommands framework is used to define flags for command methods. Flags are optional parameters that modify the behavior of a command. They are specified by adding certain keywords or symbols (flags) to the command input. Flags in LiteCommands provide a convenient way to enable or disable specific functionalities within a command.


The @Flag annotation is applied to boolean parameters within a command method. Here is an example of how to use the @Flag annotation:

/mute <player> -s

@Command(name = "mute") public class MuteCommand { @Execute public void mute( @Arg Player player, @Flag("-s") boolean isSilent ) { // .. } }
  • @Flag("-s") declares a flag with the identifier -s.

  • boolean isSilent is the corresponding parameter that will be set to true if the -s flag is provided in the command input. If the flag is not present, the parameter will be set to false by default.

  • The identifier for the flag, typically a string starting with a symbol like - or --.

Example of command input and the corresponding result:

input: /mute Notch result: isSilent = false input: /mute Notch -s result: isSilent = true
Last modified: 19 May 2024