LiteCommands Help

Adventure Usage


For example, you can use the Component object as an argument in your command:

@Execute(name = "tell") void tell(@Context SENDER sender, @Arg SENDER target, @Join Component message) { target.sendMessage(message); }


You can also use the Component object as a response:

@Execute(name = "info") Component info() { return Component.text("This is an example of the Component response."); }


Colorizer is a feature that allows you to colorize the Component object in the @Arg argument.

If you want to use the default colorizer, you need to enable it in the LiteCommands builder:

.extension(new LiteAdventureExtension<SENDER>() .colorizeArgument(true) )
.extension(new LiteAdventurePlatformExtension<SENDER>(this.audienceProvider) .colorizeArgument(true) )

You can force enable the colorizer for the specific argument:

@Execute(name = "colorize") void colorize(@Arg @Key("color") Component colorized) { // ... }

And you can also force disable the colorizer:

@Execute(name = "raw") void raw(@Arg @Key("raw") Component notColorized) { // ... }

Serializer (Colorizer)

Serializer is used to colorize the Component object in the @Arg argument and the response.

You can modify the default serializer by using the miniMessage() and legacyColor() methods in the LiteCommands builder:

.extension(new LiteAdventureExtension<SENDER>() .miniMessage(true) .legacyColor(true) )
.extension(new LiteAdventurePlatformExtension<SENDER>(this.audienceProvider) .miniMessage(true) .legacyColor(true) )

The miniMessage() method enables the MiniMessage support. Read more about it here. The legacyColor() method enables the legacy color support. &c, &a, etc.

If you want to use the custom serializer, you need to set it in the LiteCommands builder:

.extension(new LiteAdventureExtension<SENDER>() .serializer(this.miniMessage) )
.extension(new LiteAdventurePlatformExtension<SENDER>(this.audienceProvider) .serializer(this.miniMessage) )
Last modified: 31 October 2023